Frank Ingenrieth
Managing Director
Selbstregulierung Informationswirtschaft e.V.

Frank Ingenrieth is in favour of effective but lean, long-lasting and therefore scalable solutions. Accordingly, he votes for transparent and active involvement of relevant stakeholders in the development of self-regulatory and co-regulatory instruments; this promotes socially valuable and commercially viable solutions.
In addition to publications and lectures, Frank Ingenrieth is actively involved in specialist working groups, particularly on the topics of trusted and fair governance, self- and coregulation, and data and consumer protection.
As Managing Director of the Selbstregulierung Informationswirtschaft (SRIW), he aims to provide the best possible support for the European transformation process in the realms of ‘digitalisation’. The experience and outstanding successes of recent years, and ultimately the solutions developed by SRIW and its ecosystem, can be extended to new areas and utilised across the board.
Frank Ingenrieth was responsible for the content and strategic work of SRIW for more than six years. On the ecosystem side, for example, he was responsible for the development of the EU Cloud CoC and strategically for the development of SCOPE Europe, a subsidiary of SRIW, which appears currently Europe's leading monitoring procedure and has been accredited several times under GDPR.